What is the longest word ever in history?
1. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (45 letters)
Does Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis have 45 letters?
It is the chemical name for titin, the largest protein known. The longest word in the English dictionary however, is the 45-letter word “pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis”, which refers to a lung disease.
What is Methionylthreonylthreonylglutaminylarginyl isoleucine?
Methionylthreonylthreonylglutaminylarginyl… isoleucine is the chemical name for the protein of “titin” also known as “connectin.” The largest known protein that consists of 26, 926 amino acids is made up of 189, 819 letters and can take about three hours to pronounce.
Is tiple a scrabble word?
No, tiple is not in the scrabble dictionary.
What is the longest word in the world?
2. LOPADOTEMACHOSELACHOGALEOKRANIOLEIPSAN …P TERYGON The longest word ever to appear in literature comes from Aristophanes’ play, Assemblywomen, published in 391 BC. The Greek word tallies 171 letters, but translates to 183 in English.
What is the longest word with no repeated letters?
The longest words with no repeated letters are dermatoglyphics and uncopyrightable. The longest word whose letters are in alphabetical order is the eight-letter Aegilops, a grass genus. However, this is arguably a proper noun.
What are the longest left-handed words?
On a Dvorak keyboard, the longest “left-handed” words are epopoeia, jipijapa, peekapoo, and quiaquia. Other such long words are papaya, Kikuyu, opaque, and upkeep.
What is the longest one-fingered word on the keyboard?
Typed words. Other such long words are papaya, Kikuyu, opaque, and upkeep. Kikuyu is typed entirely with the index finger, and so the longest one-fingered word on the Dvorak keyboard. There are no vowels on the right-hand side, and so the longest “right-handed” word is crwth.