Why should you not feed corn to deer?
Corn is high in starch and a good source of digestible energy, but can cause problems in a deer’s digestive system. When deer eat too much corn or other high-‐carbohydrate food, many complex changes occur in the rumen. Some microbes proliferate while others die.
When should I put corn on my deer?
Early spring to mid spring is a good rule of thumb to start your spring deer feeding program. This roughly coincides as food plots will start being planted. Bucks will still be recovering from the rut and the past winter, but they’ll be also transitioning into starting new antler growth.
Is it OK to feed wild deer corn?
Using only corn or other fermentable carbohydrates as a primary deer food can be dangerous. Eating a large amount of corn can affect the deer’ digestive process and cause a flush of lactic acid in their stomach. In most severe cases, this leads to the dehydration and death of the deer.
Why do deer like corn so much?
Corn is rich in both carbohydrates and fats, therefore providing deer with the essential nutrients. Besides corn being a highly nutritious food crop for deer, it provides cover from winds, beddings, and travel lanes.
When do deer start eating corn?
Corn is an attractant to deer herds; hence they will flock your food plot.
Is feeding corn harmful to deer in winter?
Provide all the essentials. Food and water are a must.
How much corn will a deer eat?
How much corn can a deer eat in a day? That means that a 150-pound deer can eat up to 12 pounds of food per day! Do deer like apples or pears better? Pears are just as good for deer as apples are, and deer love them just as much. They’re not easily digestible, though.