How much does an NTI device cost?
The cost of an NTI guard is typically around $600; however, your insurance may cover a portion of the cost. It also helps the patient avoid using migraine medications.
What is an NTI mouthguard?
This mouth guard, which is short for Nociceptive Trigeminal Inhibition Tension [Tension Relief headaches, teeth clenching relief Abingdon] Suppression System, or NTI-tss, fits over a person’s two front teeth. Users wear the guard during sleep.
How does NTI appliance work?
The NTI-TSS appliance only allows contact on one or two of your front teeth. They take advantage of your jaw-opening reflex by never allowing any of the back or canine teeth to touch. Studies show that the contact of either the canine or posterior teeth results in a notable increase in temporal muscle contraction.
How do you clean NTI night guard?
Soak the night guard in distilled white vinegar for at least 30 minutes. After soaking, rinse the night guard and the bowl with water. Then soak the night guard in hydrogen peroxide for at least 30 more minutes. Once finished, rinse with water and allow the night guard to dry completely.
Why do night guards smell?
That’s because bacteria in your mouth can build up on your mouthguard. Without regular cleaning, the bacteria can multiply, causing infection or bad breath. Read on to learn how to clean your mouthguard and how to recognize the signs that it’s time to get a new one.
How often should you replace your night guard?
Night Guards will have varying durability depending on a number of factors. A night guard will have an average lifespan of 5 years, but depending upon the wear, it can need replacement in just 1 year.
Does the NTI dental appliance work?
In addition, some experts believe that wearing the NTI dental appliance might work like behavior modification therapy. By constantly interrupting the user’s unconscious efforts to bite down, the device trains the muscles to stop clenching. Over time, this could help break the habit of clenching the jaw.
What is the dental insurance code for NTI?
While most patients pay out of pocket for the NTI, you can bill dental insurance for it using one of the following codes: D7880, D9946, or D8210. These materials were developed with practice growth in mind.
Is the NTI omnisplint® available for dental professionals?
Please note pricing is only available to dental professionals. The NTI OmniSplint ® is an anterior disclusion device proven effective at preventing tension headaches and migraines. Its patented design keeps the posterior teeth and canines out of occlusion, which reduces clenching intensity and protects against tooth damage and bone loss.
Does the NTI appliance work for TMJ disorder and headaches?
If you’re having headaches on the sides of the head, muscle pain around the face, and other symptoms of TMJ disorder the NTI appliance is an option to test how your jaw may be contributing to those symptoms. The NTI appliance is a good option for therapy for the patient that has symptoms of TMJ disorder and headaches.