Is there a word for awkward in Spanish?
In Spanish the best translation for awkward is incómodo. e.g. Yes, ‘incómodo’ can just mean uncomfortable, but also it is used as awkward as in an awkward situation.
What word type is awkwardly?
awkwardly adverb
awkwardly adverb (CAUSING DIFFICULTY)
How do you use awkward in a sentence?
You just put me in an awkward position. After an awkward silence, she glanced up at him with a mischievous smile. This is getting awkward, isn’t it? The ride back was quiet, but the silence was a comfortable one, only becoming awkward when they reached the door of his house.
How do you use awkwardly in a sentence?
Awkwardly sentence example. For a moment they stood awkwardly over the grave. They stood on the porch, awkwardly staring off into the cold night. He turned to Cynthia, awkwardly shifting him around so she could take him.
What is a sentence of awkward?
What are some awkward situations?
Here are some of the most awkward situations that you’ve probably come across, at some point or the other.
- When Your Mother-In-Law Takes You Shopping.
- Asking Your Boss For A Raise.
- A Hug Or A Handshake.
- Paying The Bill On The First Date.
- First Day At Work.
- Talking About Someone You Don’t Like And They Walk In.
What is a meaning of awkwardly?
1a : lacking dexterity or skill (as in the use of hands) I’m awkward with a needle and thread. b : showing the result of a lack of expertness an awkward attempt awkward pictures. 2a : lacking ease or grace (as of movement or expression) awkward writing.
Who is called a nerd?
1 : a person who is socially awkward, unattractive, or not fashionable. 2 : a person who is extremely interested in technical or intellectual subjects. Other Words from nerd. nerdy \ ˈnər-dē \ adjective.
What do you call an awkward person?
OTHER WORDS FOR awkward 1 clumsy, inept; unskillful, unhandy, inexpert. 2 uncoordinated, graceless, ungainly; gawky; maladroit; clumsy. 3 gauche, unpolished, unrefined; blundering, oafish; ill-mannered, unmannerly, ill-bred. 4 unwieldy, cumbersome, unmanageable; inconvenient, difficult, troublesome.
What does feeling awkward mean?
adjective. hard to deal with; especially causing pain or embarrassment. “awkward (or embarrassing or difficult) moments in the discussion” “an awkward pause followed his remark” synonyms: embarrassing, sticky, unenviable difficult, hard.
Is Timidated a word?