What is the use of ScrollPane?
JScrollPane is used to give a scrollable view to your component. When the screen size is small or limited, we can use a scroll pane to showcase a large component or a component whose size changes dynamically. The component should be lightweight like image, table, text, textarea, etc.
Is ScrollPane a container?
A ScrollPane is a Container with built-in scrollbars that can be used to scroll its contents. In the current implementation, a ScrollPane can hold only one Component and has no layout manager. The component within a ScrollPane is always given its preferred size.
How does Java’s BorderLayout work?
A border layout lays out a container, arranging and resizing its components to fit in five regions: north, south, east, west, and center. Each region may contain no more than one component, and is identified by a corresponding constant: NORTH , SOUTH , EAST , WEST , and CENTER .
What are the types of ScrollPane?
Class ScrollPane
- as needed: scrollbars created and shown only when needed by scrollpane.
- always: scrollbars created and always shown by the scrollpane.
- never: scrollbars never created or shown by the scrollpane.
What is a Pannable ScrollPane?
A pannable ScrollPane enables the user to navigate its content by holding down the left mouse button and move the mouse around. This will have the same effect as using the scrollbars. However, using panning you can move the content along both X and Y axis simultaneously.
What is the purpose of Scrollpane Mcq?
A Scrollpane is a container. A Scrollpane handles its own events and performs its own scrolling.
What is the BorderLayout manager?
The BorderLayout is used to arrange the components in five regions: north, south, east, west, and center. Each region (area) may contain one component only. It is the default layout of a frame or window.
Which of the following are areas of the BorderLayout?
These areas are specified by the BorderLayout constants:
How do you make a ScrollPane transparent?
Set an id to your AnchorPane in the fxml and then in your css assign the id to -fx-background-color : transparent. Hope this works.
What is Layoutmanager Mcq?
A layout manager is an object that is used to organize components in a container. The different layouts are available are FlowLayout, BorderLayout, CardLayout, GridLayout and GridBagLayout.
Which of the following is the constant of BorderLayout?
The BorderLayout provides five constants for each region: public static final int NORTH. public static final int SOUTH.
When one is using BorderLayout a maximum of five components can be displayed?
When one is using BorderLayout, a maximum of five components should be displayed. – True.
How do I get value from jCheckBox?
“get the value from a checkbox in java” Code Answer’s
- boolean isSelected = jCheckBox. isSelected();
- if(isSelected ){
- jCheckBox. setSelected(false);
- } else {
- jCheckBox. setSelected(true);
- }
How do you check if a jCheckBox is checked?
A checkmark will be used to choose a box. JCheckBox often uses the methods isSelected and setSelected. To select, or un-select, a box, use the setSelected(boolean) method. To check if a box is selected, use the isSelected() method.
Why doesn’t the scroll pane have a scroll bar?
For typical unsavvy clients, this makes the scroll pane redundant. That is, the scroll pane has no scroll bars because the client’s preferred size is big enough to display the entire client.
How do I set the client of the scroll pane?
The Component parameter, when present, sets the scroll pane’s client. The two int parameters, when present, set the vertical and horizontal scroll bar policies (respectively). Set the scroll pane’s client. Set or get the vertical scroll policy.
How do I set the scroll bar policies in jscrollpane?
You can set the policies when you create the scroll pane or change them dynamically. Of the constructors provided by JScrollPane, these two let you set the scroll bar policies when you create the scroll pane: The first int specifies the policy for the vertical scroll bar; the second specifies the policy for the horizontal scroll bar.
How do I add a scroll pane to a container?
Here’s the code that creates the text area, makes it the scroll pane’s client, and adds the scroll pane to a container: //In a container that uses a BorderLayout: textArea = new JTextArea (5, 30); JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane (textArea); setPreferredSize (new Dimension (450, 110)); add (scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);