What temperature do Apistogramma like?
Water temperature should be kept between 73 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit. This species is peaceful when kept with other community species similar in size and non-aggressive (avoid other dwarf cichlid species).
Are Apistogramma hardy fish?
Apistogramma steindachneri Basics This dwarf cichlid is a hardy fish, which, unlike the majority of the Apistogramma species, does not require soft and acidic water—it is perfectly comfortable at a pH of 7 and general hardness of up to 10 dGH.
What is the largest Apistogramma?
Sabaj Pérez are calling Apistogramma kullanderi, the newest member of a popular genus of dwarf cichlids and now the largest-known Apistogramma species.
Are Apistogrammas hard to keep?
The trickiest part of keeping Apistogramma healthy is managing the water conditions. They can be very picky and sensitive to shifts in pH levels and temperature. It’s best to mimic the water conditions of their natural habitat.
How many Apistogrammas should be kept together?
It’s best to keep more than one Apistogramma in the tank. More females are preferred, as males tend to show signs of aggression. Common options are to keep bonded pairs together or do a harem grouping with multiple females to one male.
Is Apistogramma a community fish?
Apistos are a wonderful choice for a community tank. They’ll live on the bottom of the tank, so they’ll do well with any species that doesn’t take up the valuable ‘floor space’ down there.
Can you mix Apistogramma species?
If you plan to breed your apistos, I definitely don’t recommend 2 different species/tank. It is not for fear of cross-breeding, but for the problems it often causes that leads to lower survival rates of the young. Instead, keep a male and 3 females of the same species or remove a pair to a smaller breeding tank.
What fish can I put with Apistogramma?
Apistogramma Tank Mates
- Fish of the same species.
- Neon Tetras.
- Various Type Of Rasboras (the Galaxy Rasbora is our favorite)
- Pencilfish.
- Pygmy Corydoras.
- Otocinclus Catfish.
- Cardinal Tetras.
- Bristlenose Plecos (situational)