What is the minimum lot size in Seattle?
Zone Minimum lot area SF5000 5000 square feet SF7200 7200 ” SF9600 9600 ” Various exceptions allow for smaller lots, most commonly when other existing lots on the street are also undersized. As shown for most lots.
How close to the property line can I build in Seattle?
Seattle is fairly flexible about where you can put a small shed structure, allowing them in the front, side, or rear yard. You are, however, subject to the same setbacks as garages: 20 feet from the front property line, 5 feet of the side property line.
What is SF 5000 zoning Seattle?
The land use code classification that is applicable to most single family homes in Seattle is known as SF5000 (and SF7200 and SF9600 for larger lots). The “SF” means: Single Family. The 5000 means the property is more or less 5000 square feet.
What is zoning Seattle?
What Is It? Our Zoning Code governs the use and development of land in Seattle. Zoning districts specify a category of uses (e.g., neighborhood residential, multifamily residential, commercial, industrial, etc.) and are applied by ordinance.
What is the average lot size in Seattle?
The overall median lot size in the Seattle metropolitan area currently sits at 8,400 square feet. The median lot size for the city of Seattle stands at almost 1,180 square feet, down almost 70% from 20 years ago.
What is single family zoning Seattle?
Single-family zones, which as of next month will be known as neighborhood residential zones, comprise nearly half of all developable land within Seattle’s boundaries, and nearly three-quarters of residential areas.
What is L3 zoning Seattle?
L3 – Lowrise three. A density of one unit per 800 SF of lot, 30′ height limit, 5′ for roof pitch.
What is LR1 zoning in Seattle?
Multi-Family zoning is divided into LR1, LR2, and LR3 sections. Most have a variety of different home types, and each individual zone has requirements for the density of homes, the type of homes, and the setbacks and yard spaces. Houses include cottages, rowhouses, townhouses, and apartments.
What is lr2 zoning in Seattle?
L2 – Lowrise two. A density if one unit per 1200 SF of lot, 25′ height, 10′ allowance for roof.. L3 – Lowrise three. A density of one unit per 800 SF of lot, 30′ height limit, 5′ for roof pitch.
What is RSL zoning Seattle?
Residential Small Lot (RSL)
How much of Seattle is single-family zoned?
The level of support was only a little lower for the same change in suburban neighborhoods, at 51%. Currently, the majority of Seattle’s residential areas are zoned for single-family homes and “accessory units” like backyard cottages, but do not allow for larger apartment buildings and condos.
How close can I build to my Neighbour’s boundary?
In most areas, fences can be installed between 2-8 inches from the boundary line. However, some areas may allow you to build right up to the property line.
What is LR3 M zoning Seattle?
What is this? To illustrate this, let’s look at the Lowrise 3 (LR3) zone, a relatively common multi-family residential zone in Seattle. LR3 zones are generally proposed to get a height limit boost from 40 feet to 50 feet and a floor area ratio (FAR) increase from 2.0 to 2.2 as MHA LR3.
What is M1 zoning in Seattle?
(M1) When a rezone is not a standard zoning change and results in a zone in the next highest category, the new zone has an (M1) suffix. For example, a Lowrise 1 zone that becomes to Lowrise 3 is now in a different category, so properties there are zoned LR3 (M1).
What is RSL M in Seattle zoning?
The RSL zone would encourage more “missing middle” housing that is in between the density of Seattle’s and single-family and multifamily zones. The RSL zone would result in moderately- sized ownership and rental housing options suitable for families or multi-person households.