Do I need to learn how to use JProfiler?
At the same time, you do not want to spend time learning how to use the tool. JProfiler is just that: simple and powerful at the same time. Configuring sessions is straight-forward, third party integrations make getting started a breeze and profiling data is presented in a natural way.
What is a JProfiler session?
JProfiler is just that: simple and powerful at the same time. Configuring sessions is straight-forward, third party integrations make getting started a breeze and profiling data is presented in a natural way. On all levels, JProfiler has been carefully designed to help you get started with solving your problems.
What is the use of view in JProfiler?
JProfiler helps in Organizing Profiling data into view Sections .On left side of the JProfiler’s main window view selector is located .Each View section contains Number of views.There are different views and lots of inspections that show different aspects of the current set of objects.
What is thread profiling in JProfiler?
Most applications are multi-threaded, and “thread profiling” analyzes thread synchronization issues. Because it often makes sense to compare and correlate data from all three domains, JProfiler combines time, memory and thread profilers in a single application.
What are the different aspects of JProfiler?
There are three aspects to JProfiler: Time Profiling – This measures the execution paths of your application on the method level. Memory Profiling – This provides the in-depth understand of heap usage by the application. Thread Profiling – This analyses the thread synchronization issues.
What is JProfiler on demand profiling?
That’s what we call on demand profiling. Invariably, there are a lot of things you can adjust in an advanced profiler. JProfiler shows you how your profiling settings will impact performance and offers you templates to quickly select profiling settings for common use cases.
How to enter custom logic in JProfiler?
Custom Logic can be entered through JProfiler’s built in script editor in JProfiler GUI that includes Custom Probe configuration, Run Interceptor script, Inspections, Heap Walker Filters etc.