How did tuberculosis get its name?
Tuberculosis, of course, gets its name from the Latin word tuber, which is a botanical term for an underground structure consisting of a solid rounded outgrowth of a stem of a more or less rounded form that bears eyes, or buds, from which new plants may arise. The most familiar example is the potato.
What is the old name for tuberculosis?
Tuberculosis (TB) was called “phthisis” in ancient Greece, “tabes” in ancient Rome, and “schachepheth” in ancient Hebrew. In the 1700s, TB was called “the white plague” due to the paleness of the patients. TB was commonly called “consumption” in the 1800s even after Schonlein named it tuberculosis.
What did they call tuberculosis in the Old West?
At the time, tuberculosis was called the robber of youth, because the disease had higher death rate among young people. Other names included the Great White Plague and the White Death, where the “white” was due to the extreme anaemic pallor of those infected.
Why was tuberculosis considered a romantic disease?
In the 19th century, TB’s high mortality rate among young and middle-aged adults and the surge of Romanticism, which stressed feeling over reason, caused many to refer to the disease as the “romantic disease”.
What is scrofula king’s evil?
Tuberculous lymphadenitis (scrofula) was known as the “king’s evil” in Europe, where the royal touch was believed to cure the disease until the 18th century. Cervical lymphadenitis is the most common presentation of extrapulmonary tuberculosis.
What is Phthisis Florida?
An acute, rapidly fatal pulmonary consumption Syn, galloping consumption. Pharmacy.
How long did Doc Holliday have tuberculosis?
Compounded with terror of contagion, the consumptive becomes something of a pariah—a ‘lunger’ despised in and for his infirmity.” As has been reported, Holliday was physically impaired by his consumption disease throughout his 14 years as a professional gambler on the Western Frontier.
Wann wurde die Tuberkulose gegründet?
November 1895 in Berlin zu Zeiten gegründet, in denen die Tuberkulose eine Volkskrankheit war und jeder vierte berufstätige Mann an Tuberkulose verstarb. Die Bedeutung der Tuberkulose war damals so groß, dass der Reichskanzler die Ehrenpräsidentschaft und der Innenminister die Präsidentschaft übernahmen.
Wann wurde das Deutsche Zentralkomitee zur Bekämpfung der Tuberkulose gegründet?
Das Deutsche Zentralkomitee zur Bekämpfung der Tuberkulose (kurz „DZK“) wurde am 21. November 1895 in Berlin zu Zeiten gegründet, in denen die Tuberkulose eine Volkskrankheit war und jeder vierte berufstätige Mann an Tuberkulose verstarb.
Welche Organe sind am häufigsten betroffen von Tuberkulose?
Neben der Beteiligung der Lunge, die mit etwa 80 % das mit Abstand am häufigsten betroffene Organ ist, kann sich die Tuberkulose auch in zahlreichen anderen Organen manifestieren.
Welche Rolle spielte die Tuberkulose im frühen Mittelalter?
Im frühen Mittelalter spielte die Tuberkulose in Europa aufgrund der dünnen Besiedelung eine untergeordnete Rolle. In Ballungsgebieten kam sie jedoch häufiger vor, dazu gehörte in erster Linie Byzanz. Die damaligen Tuberkuloseopfer stammten aus allen Klassen bis hin zu Angehörigen des Kaiserhauses.