What is a shorting type terminal block?
CT shorting blocks are used to create an intermediate contact point between the meter and load where it is safe to perform wiring alterations. CT shorting blocks are wired such that the negative leads of the current transformers are connected to the same node and tied to ground.
What is a terminal connection block used for?
A terminal block is a tool used to safely connect two or more wires together. Also known as a terminal block connector, these blocks use a clamping component and conducting strip to secure and organize connecting wires.
How many contact points are on a terminal strip?
Each terminal strip has 60 rows and 5 columns of contacts on each side of the center gap. Each row of 5 contacts is a node. You will build your circuits on the terminal strips by inserting the leads of circuit components into the contact receptacles and making connections with 22-26 gauge wire.
Are terminal blocks connected?
Terminal blocks are connectors that terminate a single wire and connect it to a circuit or other system. Terminal blocks come in a range of shapes, sizes and ratings, but always terminate a single wire (single pole) and are never multi-pole.
What are shorting links?
Interconnecting links or shorting links are used to interconnect two or more terminal blocks of same type and at the same potential.
Why CT terminals are shorted?
Current transformers are usually shorted when not in use because they can develop enormous voltages if they are not. They can develop a voltage so high that the transformer’s insulation can be destroyed. Voltage transformers are usually not shorted because they can develop enormous currents if they are shorted.
Can you cut terminal blocks?
Some terminal blocks cannot be cut as they come as single blocks. Other terminal connector blocks come in a strip. You can cut the desired quantity off the strip and use them as single connector blocks.
What happens if CT secondary is open?
The secondary side of a current transformer should never be kept in open condition because, when kept open, there is a very high voltage found across the secondary side. This high voltage causes a high magnetizing current to build up on the secondary side which in turn causes high flux and makes the core to saturate.
When should you short out a CT?
Unless a burden (i.e. meters, relays, etc.) is connected to the CT, current transformers should always be shorted across the secondary terminals. The reason is very high voltages will be induced at the terminals. Think of the CT as a transformer, with a 1 turn primary and many turns on the secondary.
Why secondary of CT is shorted?
secondary winding is shorted so that complete current can flow through it and purpose of current transformer to measure the current in system can be fulfilled.