What is the aftercare for a belly button piercing?
Wash your hands before you touch your piercing. Also, don’t let anyone else touch the area until it has healed. Swab with saline solution to keep it clean and avoid infection. At least once a day, dab the area with clean gauze or a paper towel soaked with saline solution.
Should you move your navel piercing when cleaning?
Caring for Your Belly Button Piercing Just leave it alone and let it heal except for when you need to move it around a little bit to clean it. Similarly, you should wear loose clothing that won’t irritate the piercing area in the healing process.
What is the best way to clean a new belly button piercing?
You should clean your piercing twice a day using a sea salt solution. This mixture is easy to make – stir one-fourth of a teaspoon of sea salt into 8 ounces of boiled water that has been cooled. You can use cotton balls soaked with the solution for cleansing.
How do I know if my belly piercing is healing?
It is important to monitor how symptoms change. If symptoms, such as pain, steadily improve, the piercing is probably healing normally. If a person suddenly experiences new symptoms, especially after a period of few or no symptoms, this can signal an infection.
Can I shower with a new belly piercing?
Just like you should avoid taking a bath and instead take a shower, you should also avoid other pools or collections of water. Water areas like swimming pools, hot tubs, and lakes and rivers should be avoided during the first year after your initial piercing.
Can I put Vaseline on my navel piercing?
You should never use petroleum jelly on a navel piercing while it is healing. This and other ointments, such as bacitracin, are sticky and attract bacteria to the piercing site and hold it there.
How do you shower with a belly button piercing?
Wash your piercing daily. Simply add a small amount of soap to your fingertips, and massage and lather the soap onto your piercing for about 20 seconds. Use the shower water to thoroughly rinse off the soap residue. Exit the shower and dry your piercing using a dry paper towel rather than a bath towel.
Can I shower after belly piercing?
How long will my belly button piercing be sore?
Symptoms can include pain, redness, and swelling, and improving hygiene can help. Complete healing can take 9–12 months. In the meantime, a piercing is technically a healing wound, and it may be sore, red, or irritated. Intense pain, swelling, or a fever, however, can indicate a severe infection.
How do I know if my navel piercing is rejecting?
Symptoms of piercing rejection
- more of the jewelry becoming visible on the outside of the piercing.
- the piercing remaining sore, red, irritated, or dry after the first few days.
- the jewelry becoming visible under the skin.
- the piercing hole appearing to be getting larger.
- the jewelry looking like it is hanging differently.
How long until a belly button piercing stops hurting?
Healing Process Because it takes 6 to 12 months for a navel piercing to fully heal, it is very common to experience redness, soreness/pain, and swelling for up to a year.
Can I put Vaseline on my belly piercing?
Wash the area with clean water 2 times a day. Don’t use hydrogen peroxide or alcohol, which can slow healing. You may cover the area with a thin layer of petroleum jelly, such as Vaseline, and a non-stick bandage.
Is coconut oil good for belly piercings?
Coconut oil or almond oil are highly recommended during the first two months of your piercing healing. Both oils contain natural antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.
Is salt water good for piercings?
The single best thing you can do for your piercing is to keep up a regular regimen of salt water soaks. These flush out the piercing, help to draw out discharge, stimulate blood circulation, and soothe irritations. We strongly suggest soaking your piercing at least twice a day—more often if healing is difficult.
How long are navel piercings sore?
Does Weight Affect belly button piercing?
Contrary to popular myth, however, whether or not a belly button piercing will work for you has nothing to do with weight. “What it comes down to is the anatomy in the area you are piercing, much more than someone’s overall body type,” she says.
What is the proper aftercare for a navel piercing?
The proper aftercare for navel piercing is as follows: After you get the piercing, make sure that you have a pack of miniature Dixie cups and saline solution: not “contact cleaner,” but “saline solution” sold at a pharmacy. Or use a dilute solution of sea salt (1 teaspoon sea salt to 5 ounces water).
What is a navel piercing?
A navel piercing is an anatomy dependent piercing. This means that you must have suitable anatomy to get this piercing done; the piercer needs to ensure that they can pierce through the inside of the navel so the piercing will heal properly.
Can I get my navel pierced if I have sagging skin?
Similar to people who experience permanent stretchmarks after pregnancy, some people have loose or sagging skin around or on their navels. While this doesn’t necessarily affect the ability for these types of navels to be pierced, it does affect what jewelry it needs to be initially pierced with.
Can you buy saline solution for navel piercings?
Most piercers sell them, or you can purchase one from a jewelry store or drugstore. After the initial piercing, you may notice a crusty discharge. Instead of peeling it away and aggravating the healing process, use saline solution to gently dissolve the discharge and leave your navel looking clean and healthy.