How much is Namecoin worth?
The current price is $1.32143 per NMC. Namecoin is 91.89% below the all time high of $16.30. The current circulating supply is 14,736,400 NMC.
How much is BTC worth RN?
Bitcoin (BTC) Price Index
Open 24H | $29,792 |
High 24H | $31,650 |
Low 24H | $29,739 |
Last Price | $31,604 |
What is Namecoin used for?
Namecoin is a key/value pair registration and transfer system based on Bitcoin technology. This means Namecoin can be used to record and transfer arbitrary names or keys in a secure fashion. It can also attach data to these names.
What is BTC RN?
Bitcoin Price Chart (BTC/USD)
24 Hour High | 24 Hour Low | Market Capitalization |
28,731.28 USD | 26,935.67 USD | 535,379,044,292.18 USD |
Where can I buy Namecoin?
Go to CoinMarketCap and search for Namecoin. Tap on the button labeled “Market” near the price chart. In this view, you will see a complete list of places you can purchase Namecoin as well as the currencies you can use to obtain it. Under “Pairs” you’ll see the shorthand for Namecoin, NMC, plus a second currency.
What is NMC coin?
or NMC) is a cryptocurrency originally forked from bitcoin software. It is based on the code of bitcoin and uses the same proof-of-work algorithm. Like bitcoin, it is limited to 21 million coins.
What does BTC stand for?
Acronym. Definition. BTC. Bitcoin (digital currency)
Why is BTC up?
Bitcoin broke a key resistance level making investors believe there is further upside. Rising inflation and the potential for even more stimulus continues to push people to safe-haven assets. Increased adoption from payment applications like PayPal will give far more people easy access to cryptocurrency.
Can you mine Namecoin?
If you don’t wish to purchase namecoins on an exchange, you can also mine them. Namecoins can be mined in the same way as bitcoins. However, it is recommended to do merged mining, i.e. namecoins are mined as a free by-product of Bitcoin mining.
How much is a vertcoin worth?
The current price is $0.165274 per VTC. Vertcoin is 98.43% below the all time high of $10.53. The current circulating supply is 64,283,522 VTC.
What does BTC mean in medical terms?
BTC. Biliary Tract Cancer. Cancer, Tract, Oncology. Cancer, Tract, Oncology.