Is journal of Surgical Case Reports PubMed indexed?
JSCR deposits all case reports in PubMed Central (PMC). Surgeons, physicians and researchers can find your work through PubMed, helping you reach the widest possible audience. The journal is also indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection.
What is the impact factor of International journal of surgery?
6.071International Journal of Surgery / Impact Factor (2020)
The impact factor is constantly increasing (1.66 in 2015; 2.21 in 2016; 2.69 in 2017; 3.16 in 2018; 3.36 in 2019 and 6.071 in 2020).
Is journal of Surgical Research peer-reviewed?
The Journal of Surgical Research is a peer-reviewed medical journal covering surgery-related research. It was established in 1961 and is published fourteen times per year by Elsevier on behalf of the Association for Academic Surgery, of which it is the official journal.
Is International surgery journal indexed in PubMed?
This journal has been indexed in: Embase. Scopus. PubMed/Medline.
Where can I publish a surgical case report?
International Journal of Surgery Case Reports is an open access, broad scope journal covering all surgical specialties….IJSCR is indexed in:
- AcademicPub.
- The British Library.
- Cancerlit.
- Directory of Open Access Journals.
- Google Scholar.
- ProQuest.
- PubMed Central.
What is impact factor for Journal of Surgical Research?
2.187Journal of Surgical Research / Impact Factor (2016)
Is Indian Journal of Applied research Scopus indexed?
It contains currently over 23000 journals from all over the world. A proof of being indexed in SJIF Journal Rank List….
SJIF 2022: Under evaluation Area: Multidisciplinary Evaluated version: online | Previous evaluation SJIF 2021: Not indexed 2020: 6.004 2019: 6.03 2018: 5.831 |
Publisher | Indian Journal Of Applied Research |
What is surgery Journal?
A Monthly Journal Devoted To The Art And Science Of Surgery For 66 years, Surgery has published practical, authoritative information about procedures, clinical advances, and major trends shaping general surgery. Our mission is to be the premier outlet for high-impact research in surgery.
Is ACS case reviews in surgery PubMed?
ACS Case Reviews in Surgery is a unique, peer-reviewed, open access, online-only case report journal published six times a year that presents high-quality, in-depth analyses of actual surgical cases.
Is World Journal of Surgery peer reviewed?
World Journal of Surgery and Surgical Research (ISSN 2637-4625) (Impact Factor: 1.989), is an International, Peer-reviewed, Open Access Journal aims to cover the best quality research outcomes in the fields of Surgery and its related disciplines in medical and clinical studies.
Is the American Journal of Surgery A peer-reviewed publication?
The American Journal of Surgery® is a peer-reviewed journal which features the best surgical science focusing on clinical care; translational, health services, and qualitative research, surgical education, leadership, diversity and inclusion, and other domains of surgery.
What is the impact score (is) of Journal of surgical case reports?
The impact score (IS) 2020 of Journal of Surgical Case Reports is 0.44, which is computed in 2021 as per its definition. The impact score (IS), also denoted as Journal impact score (JIS), of an academic journal is a measure of the yearly average number of citations to recent articles published in that journal.
Who publishes Journal of surgical case reports?
Journal of Surgical Case Reports is published by nan . Journal of Surgical Case Reports publishes reports – . The Publication History of Journal of Surgical Case Reports covers nan . The publication type of Journal of Surgical Case Reports is still under survey. Stay tuned!
What is the h-index of Journal of surgical case reports?
Journal of Surgical Case Reports has an h-index of 3. It means 3 articles of this journal have more than 3 number of citations. The h-index is a way of measuring the productivity and citation impact of the publications.
What is the ISSN for surgical case report?
Journal Surgical Case Reports (ISSN 2613-5965) NLM ID: 101766954 Journal Impact Factor: 1.97 * Surgical Case Reports is open access, peer-reviewed journal, covers the scope of general surgeries like vascular, brain, abdominal, heart, head, breast, brain, neck, colorectal, and other forms of surgery.