What is Glock Gssf?
The GLOCK Sport Shooting Foundation (GSSF) is a safe, fun, family-oriented organization devoted to the responsible use of GLOCK firearms and encouraging participation in shooting sports.
What do you get when you join Gssf?
The GSSF Pistol Purchase Program is another benefit of your GSSF membership. If you are a New, current, or renewing GSSF member, you are eligible to purchase a GLOCK pistol at discounted pricing once per calendar year. 1.
What is a Gssf match?
A GSSF Indoor League Match is a series of three matches conducted over a 3-month period, or a time frame of the host ranges’ choosing. Participants must be current GSSF members and compete in two of the three matches to qualify for prizes.
How many rounds is a Gssf match?
Competitors are limited to load a total of 7 rounds per string of fire. Paper targets require only one scoring hit instead of 2. Please note that competitors can shoot both the G29 and G30 in MajorSub and Amateur Subcompact. Competitors may compete in any of the above divisions they are eligible only once per match.
What year was my Glock made?
To figure this out is fairly straightforward. If you bought your gun new, there will be an envelope with a used test fire casing inside it. That envelope should have a date on it. This will be close enough to the date of manufacture to consider it your Glocks birth-date.
How much is a Gssf membership?
An annual GSSF membership costs only $35.00 for new members and $25.00 for renewing members and allows you to compete in any GSSF match. Competitors may shoot ANY GLOCK pistol.
Are Glocks waterproof?
All GLOCK metal parts are subject to a surface treatment making them corrosion and salt water resistant. The durable and lightweight polymer frame absorbs recoil due to the dampening characteristics of the polymer.
Can you fire a Glock underwater?
“It is extremely, painfully loud to fire a Glock underwater. I fired the Glock once underwater. It was very painful for me shooting the gun and the people that were with us a good distance away felt like the gun went off in their ear,” he says. “You have to understand that water is not compressible like air.”